Year : 2013
Month : 12/2 ~ 12/5
City : Sydney
Year : 2005
Month : 12/13 ~ 12/26
City : Mumbai
Year : 2011
Month : 8/17 ~ 7/20
City : X'ian
Year : 2004
Month : 1/6 ~ 1/9
City : Hong Kong
Year : 2009
Month : 11/24 ~ 11/27
City : Bangkok
Year : 2001
Month : 7/1 ~ 7/4
City : Busan
Year : 2007
Month : 8/26 ~ 8/29
City : Kaohsiung
Year : 1999
Month : July
City : Nagoya
Member Associations
The importance of aerosol science and technology was recognized around 1990 when Taiwan scholars including Prof. Chiu-sen Wang, Prof. I-Fu Hung, Prof. Man-Ting Cheng, Prof. Chuen-Jinn Tsai, colleagues of ILOSH (Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, Taiwan) and many others had decided to form an aerosol association that is devoted to foster aerosol science and technology research in Taiwan. The Chinese Association for Aerosol Research in Taiwan (CAART) was finally founded in August 1992 which was later renamed as Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research (TAAR) in August 2007. Its mission is to promote research and applications of aerosol science and technology in Taiwan. TAAR holds the annual International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology (ICAST) which is well attended. Since 2001, TAAR has published the AAQR (Aerosol and Air Quality Research) journal which was later turned into a SCI journal in 2008. Now the AAQR publishes 6 issues per year focusing on all aspects of aerosol science and technology, atmospheric science and air quality related issues.
Chinese Society of Particuology (CSP)
Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (CASANZ)
Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA)
Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology (JAAST)
Korean Association for Particle and Aerosol Research (KAPAR)
Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research (TAAR)
Thai Powder Technology Center (TPTC)